

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hunger Games Photo Shoot

At school we were given a project to ... Recreate a character from the Hunger Games.

Here were the requirments....
Must be uploaded on Facebook by Feb.28th
Everyone was required to do it
and the instructors could enter as well

1st Place $500 gift card and opening night tickets to Hunger Games
2nd and 3rd $250 gift card and opening night tickets
Honorable Mention $100
Thats it, I had know clue what to do. I saw a picture on Google and my mind started to go Crazy. So many ideas and no money :( I gave my self a price limit of $5 and my ideas started to fade.

I voluntiered Ashley to be my model and its a good thing she said yes because i didn't have another model. We spent Thursday and Friday at school working on it and i worked on Facebook. Saturday at about 12am i decided i probably should start working on my project. I bought 12 yards of Red tule and 4 yards of black. While watching One Tree Hill i started attaching fabric on to elastic.

Sunday after church Ashley, Kelsey and i ran home as fast as we could and started getting ready.

I was so lucky to have Ashley as my model because she rocked it. She saw my crazy not all the way finished vision and took it to the next level.

When Ashley got so cold she was turning purple, and we had been honked at, whistled at, and even winked at we decided to be done, but kelsey knows how to play me and we ended up outside in 10 degree weather one more time for Photo Shoot Part 2 :)

Kelsey watches way to much Americas Next Top Model so she knew every pose. 

All the pictures turned out amazing and i am so blessed to have amazing friends who will do anything for me.

Monday, February 27, 2012

I Love my Family

Today has been one of those days were i am so thankful for my family!!!

My first day of Collage

Today Ashley took me to collage. I learned so much you can only pin so much stuff on Pinterest before your computer wants to stop and Facebook becomes boring after a couple of hours.